Monday, June 23, 2008

holidays..... : (

so the boredom has finally set in. its sooo boring here at home. applied to a number of places for a job but still no reply from all of them. oh well. this whole holiday has jst basically been house work housework and MORE housework. haha. and i think i've nvr gone out so many times before. haha. practically every 2-3 days i'll be going out. oh yea i'll be going to mornington peninsula this coming friday. and stay there overnight. so oh well till thn ppl. i hsall be back with another post next wk or so with the pictures from there!tata:)oh btw i changed my hp num. its 0421923748

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

who on earth invented calculus?

complex numbers are meant for ppl who hv absolutely nothing to do. i mean why on earth would u need complex numbers in real life anyway? i'll stick with numbers like 1 2 3 4 5 thank u very much. if i EVER find a descendant of the person who invented complex numbers....

Friday, June 13, 2008

relax.. for 1 week at least

so i finally finished three papers. test were invented jst to torture the heck out of students. so how did i do for my three papers?on average VERY BADLY!! but i think ara has a pretty good chance of getting a H1 for me:) as for micro well screw it. i thought this was like a free H1 for me but i couldn't even finish the paper!!!! now that i think back i dont think i can even score H2B. sucks.. and well qm.... don't ask. think i can pass it though. haha.

Monday, June 9, 2008

when everything flew:)

part 4:) i got my accrued today. after so so so long. the ride back seemed so short cos i was so happy:)worth every second of my life. and i'm not stupid for doing that. sheesh. haha. u cant stop smiling now can u?:)

P.S. i have HDS now:( i want more!!:)hehe

Saturday, June 7, 2008

making our own fairytale:)

dreams do come true don't they?

part 1....

part 2....

part 3....

hearts :)