Monday, December 15, 2008

hectic second year here i come

so i managed to get the average needed to overload. im not entirely satisfied with my marks. could hv gotten straight H1's if not the cursed fluid mechanics. ah well. its over:)

316101 2 2008 Introductory Macroeconomics 084 H1
333101 2 2008 Finance 1 080 H1
620155 2 2008 Calculus 2 087 H1
800001 2 2008 Engineering Systems Design 1 073 H2B

ESD.... stupid subject


Esther said...

how's the scoring system/ grades like? what does H1 mean??

Anonymous said...

u can click on it to see it. H1's the highest grade possible. anyway how've u been?:)

Penny C said...

SHOW OFF... lol jks. congrats